Check out the retirement card Cindy gave me on the 11th. In case you cannot read it, it says with candy bars in italics and bolded: "Dear Sweetarts. Look! Today's your PayDay for the Mounds of work you've done over the past 60 years! Now, Take 5 and even more and let's go on a retirement Spree. The 2Musketers just might take in a Symphony, do the Mamba on the beach, go to New York and walk 5th Avenue or eat Hot Tamales south of the boarder. Twix you and me, we know there won't be anymore 100 Grand paychecks, but I hope UNO that doesn't matter to me as long as I can Rolo-ver and see you with me each day! You're my Big Hunk and Almond Joy! Love and Kisses, Me."
We met with the bishop tonight, so 1 down, 1 to go. I had a relapse and got into an email exchange with work yesterday and today, but I've repented and will knock that off. Retirement is growing on me and I may get to the golf course yet. Last Saturday, we ventured into the boondocks to find Lone Tree Arch way west of St George and a had a great day together, even got to use my 4-wheel drive. Did not think ahead and take a camera, so unfortunately, no pictures.
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